5 Tips To Help Remember to Take Your Meds


5 Tips To Help Remember to Take Your Meds

September 10, 2018

It is easy to miss a dose when you are leading a hectic life or when you are required to take several different medications in a day. While missing a dose here and there may not seem to be a big thing at first, in reality, an inability to keep up with your daily medication schedule can be quite damaging to your overall treatment plan. Read on to learn how you can prevent such an eventuality by setting a few simple reminders for yourself every day.

Compliance is a crucial, yet difficult, feat to achieve when it comes to taking your prescribed medications on time and in the correct quantity. Most patients do not comprehend the long-term consequences of missed doses and tend to take medication schedules lightly. Such an attitude can lead to poor health outcomes. For instance, research proves that heart patients who frequently forget to take their prescribed doses on time are more likely to experience severe complications that could lead to recurrent hospitalizations. It is, therefore, in your best interest to find ways that help you never miss a dose again.

To help you in your endeavor, we have put together a list of 5 easy tips that you can start implementing right away. These are as follows:

  1. Set A Daily Time for Medications – If you fix a time of the day as ‘medication time,’ there is a higher chance of not forgetting to take them. You can sync this time with one of your regular activities like breakfast or bedtime, as well, to make it simpler to remember.

  2. Track Your Medications – When you are taking several medications at once, it is easier for slip-ups to happen. Maintaining a medical journal that includes a list of all the medicines you are on, along with their doses is an excellent way to keep up with your routine. Make a note each time there is a change in the prescribed dosages or addition/elimination of any drug. You can even use a mobile app if you are comfortable using a smartphone.

  3. Get A Medication Board – Hanging a dry-erase whiteboard that can be used to scribble reminders for yourself in your bathroom or near your dresser can help you remember your medicines on time. Once you have had your dose, you can erase the reminder for that medication for the day.

  4. Put It Up on A Calendar – Running out of medications is a common reason behind missed doses. Mark dates on a calendar to remind you of when your refills are due. Make sure that you contact your physician or pharmacist at least a week before you run out entirely.

  5. Get A Pill Case – Pill Cases that have slots for each day of the week can be used for medications that can be taken out of their original packing. It is essential to store the case in a cool and dry place which is easily visible throughout the day. Such a container should also be out of reach for children and pets.

For any treatment plan to work effectively, it is vital for patients to follow their physician’s advice to the T. Taking medications as per the affixed schedule is a good step towards a successful treatment plan.