Remaining a Resource: How Access Health Care Aims to Assist Former Employees By: Amanda Dolan


Remaining a Resource: How Access Health Care Aims to Assist Former Employees

For weeks now, media outlets have produced rapid-fire news stories covering every aspect of COVID-19. While many of these stories focus on health statistics and developing information about the illness, there has been a noticeable shift of focus onto the economic hardships caused by the global pandemic. It is no secret that millions of lives have been flipped upside-down in a little less than a month.

Many businesses, both big and small, remain closed indefinitely. Because of this, companies across the nation were given no other choice but to make emergency cutbacks by either furloughing employees or letting them go.

Unfortunately, as strong as Access Health Care is, no company in the healthcare industry is exempt from the negative impacts of this global pandemic. However, even during these trying times, we remain optimistic and confident in our ability to help our former employees whom were affected by our recent staffing reduction.

Our Loyalty to Our Community

We feel a great sense of loyalty and responsibility to our employees—both current and former, and have been working tirelessly to make all staffing adjustments as easy as possible for everyone. In addition to providing an almost two-week notice to all affected employees about the staffing reduction, Access Health Care offered and encouraged the use of paid time off for the duration of their time with the company.

The Human Resources department continues to search for leads on employment opportunities for our former employees. All employees that have been recently let-go should receive a letter in the upcoming days from Human Resources regarding information on a staffing resource established by the Florida Department of Health Resource Pool. This tool provides clinicians with opportunities to assist local health care facilities in need.

Continuing to Help

Human Resources employees dedicate their time to reviewing multiple employment search engines, such as LinkedIn. We remain committed to discovering new staffing resources and will continue to share them with the community.

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted sudden changes around the world—changes that caused many companies, including Access Health Care, to make extremely difficult decisions involving staffing cuts and temporary office closures. Even during this difficult and unpredictable time, our goal is to remain loyal to all health care professionals by assisting them in their searches for employment. We empathize with those in need right now, and we will continue to focus our efforts in assisting our community in any way possible. Remember—we are all in this together.