Access 2 Calypso Passes CMS Audit


Access 2 Calypso Passes CMS Audit

May 05, 2020

Access 2 Healthcare Physicians, LLC’s Calypso Care Passes Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Audit With 100%

Spring Hill, Florida (May 5, 2020) –  Access 2 Healthcare Physicians, LLC, a Hernando County company founded by Pariksith Singh, MD, is proud to announce that its Calypso Care, a comprehensive utilization management software program, recently passed a Source System Validation (SSV) audit by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) with zero deficiencies. The CMS conducted the SSV audit while conducting an audit of a national health care plan’s Utilization Management processes, of which, A2HCP is contracted as a delegate.


The audit is conducted by CMS periodically to validate if plans and programs ensure that quality and timeliness standards are met.   “We were indeed grateful to take part in the CMS audit,” said Pariksith Singh, MD, CEO, and founder of Access Health Care Physicians, LLC. “This is a confirmation from the highest third-party authority that our Calypso Care program can do all the things that we say it can. This is an important recognition not only for our company but for our small community as well,” he added.


Calypso Care differentiates itself from others in that it was developed by a team of nurses and physicians - who actively practice in the care of patients and who are experienced in health plans – along with IT engineers. “The single biggest difference in this program is that it is member and provider centered with all key utilization management, quality, and health plan requirements embedded within our workflows,” said Dr. Singh. “The program is designed to seamlessly integrate with all care management processes, which is a big bonus for patients,” he added.


This program was designed to be intrinsically intuitive which greatly enhances staff productivity because it features:


  • Unprecedented system flexibility to meet unique business needs. (The needs of independent physician associations, medical service associations, third party administrators and all Medicare, Medicaid and Commercial Health Plans)
  • Quality begins on the front-end and is weaved throughout every process to ensure compliance with strict governmental guidelines and quality standards.
  • It contains comprehensive medical director and nurse review features.
  • Record-speed implementation at reasonable rates.
  • Superior and flexible reporting capabilities in all of its modules including utilization, medical management, financial, and staff productivity analysis.
  • Meets and exceeds all national quality accreditation utilization management standards.
  • It provides speedy authorization decisions to members and reduces delays in care significantly.


About Access Health Care Physicians, LLC


Access Health Care Physicians, LLC is a multiservice medical practice consisting of over 200 healthcare providers and over 1,200 employees at more than 89 locations throughout Florida. Our healthcare professionals provide a wide range of services not only in our offices but within patients’ homes. Yes, we make house calls.


Our medical services include:


  • Comprehensive Diabetes Care Clinic
  • Blood Draws
  • Holter Monitor
  • Physical Therapy and Rehab
  • Vascular Study
  • Nuclear Stress Testing
  • Echocardiogram/EKG
  • Carotid Doppler
  • Venous Doppler
  • Arterial Doppler
  • Ultrasound
  • Bone Density Testing
  • Pulmonary Function Testing
  • Anodyne Treatment
  • Treatment of injuries resulting from automobile accidents including soft tissue injuries

Access Health Care Physicians, LLC's main office is located at 5350 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill, Florida 34606. For more information call 352-688-8116, visit us at or like us on Facebook.