Uncontrollable urine leakage is a physically and emotionally distressing condition as it hampers the quality of life that you wish to lead. Exercising, traveling, and socializing cease to be enjoyable experiences and become stressful. There are two varieties of incontinence:
Stress-Related – Coughing, sneezing, laughing too hard, and other similar activities that put additional pressure and trigger incontinence. It occurs when the muscles responsible for keeping the urine in the bladder weaken over time due to obesity, excessive smoking, and childbirth.
Urge-Related – This is a more severe problem as it involves a lack of coordination between the brain, the spine and the bladder. As a result, it becomes difficult to practice bladder control and often the bladder tends to relieve itself involuntarily. Diseases like multiple sclerosis and a stroke are well-known instigators of this issue.
It is possible to regain control of one’s life even with incontinence. Here are some things you can try to get things back on track:
Share Your Problem with Your Doctor – Often the underlying causes that lead to continence are treatable. These include uncontrolled blood sugar levels, infections, constipation, and hormonal imbalance due to menopause. Speaking to your doctor can help identify and treat such issues.
Maintain Good Hygiene – A leaky bladder can disturb the overall health of your genital area by keeping it excessively moist throughout the day. Rashes, infections, and skin damage are common among those living with incontinence. Try pads and ointments that can help you stay clean and infection-free.
Drop The Extra Weight – If you are overweight, your chances of developing incontinence soar automatically as your pelvic muscles are perpetually under duress. Shedding even a meager 5% of body weight can help improve bladder control.
Watch What You Eat – Some food items are known to exacerbate incontinence. These include alcohol, caffeine, chocolates, spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners. Avoid such edibles as far as possible.
Do Bladder-Training Exercises – It is possible to train your bladder and avoid accidents by strengthening the muscles around it. Exercises that keep the pelvic floor muscles in shape and help you control your urge to urinate are an excellent solution for managing incontinence.
If all the above suggestions fail to do the trick, you may want to consult your physician again and get advice on medications that could help. However, keep in mind that like all other drugs, these have side effects too like grogginess, constipation, and confusion, all of which are less than desirable.