A Straight Forward Doctor Protective Of Your Health


A Straight Forward Doctor Protective of Your Health

September 13, 2018

At first encounter, you might think this person is a tough shell to crack, a guarded person who is not one to tiptoe around anyone’s feelings or be afraid to tell you like it is. You honestly would be right. However, this straight-forwardness comes from a place of genuine consideration.  

You must be extremely disciplined to be this way consistently day in and day out. After all, it’s much easier to tell people what they want to hear and give them what they want so long as they are happy, right? 

Meet David Herndon D.O. who holds Level 3 recognition status for Patient-Centered Medical Home from the National Committee for Quality Assurance. He stood in line to be a fourth-generation optometrist but decided to get into primary care helping a full range of people. He wanted to make a more significant impact on people with family medicine and has grown particularly fond of geriatric care. In this, he feels like he is taking care of his grandparents the way he would want someone to take care of his.  

Competitive by nature, it is no surprise that Dr. Herndon also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Biology, worked three jobs throughout college while playing the soccer position of outside midfielder (a position commonly known to be held by the hardest workers on the team.) “You have to set personal goals, or you have nothing to aim for,” he says. Moreover, he dedicates the same amount of endeavor to patient care. The patients recognize this by sending him cards and letters of gratitude with detailed outlines of all that he has done for them. And Dr. Herndon, being sentimental, saves every single letter. “I could not do what I do without a great support staff. If you treat your staff with respect, they work harder for you. I don’t ever want an employee to be afraid to come and ask me a question.” Not only does he love to help people but he loves to teach people too, especially residents. Dr. Herndon truly cares about the students recalling his memories as a resident himself. He loves to make residents passionate about primary care while teaching them about the broad reach of care you can give with it. No matter how many hours he puts in taking care of patients and being on call, he always makes time for his family. Even if he drags himself in the door completely exhausted, he will always make time to play with his children, never missing an obligation with them. This balance in life he seems to have a great hold on. You cannot give your all if your home life is in shambles.  

In true fatherly fashion, he will tell you, “You don’t have to like me, but I’m going to do what is best for you. I want people to know that a physician is supposed to listen to you and it’s our job not to harm. One of our duties is to protect patients even from themselves, if necessary.” Dr. Herndon has been known to get patients off pain med addiction after 25 years. “At the end of the day, it’s about what is the safest for you.”  

Dr. David Herndon is a doctor who will care about you even when you don’t care for yourself. He loves helping his patients, residents, and everyone else around him he possibly can. It is clear that his family is not just blood but anyone he grows to care about.  

Unwavering and unapologetic in the ethical code that he holds himself to, his main priority is what’s best for you. 

To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Herndon visit his profile.