Are you too young for a bone density test?


Are you too young for a bone density test?

Feb 09,2024

Bone health is frequently disregarded until later in life when it starts to cause problems. However strong bones take a lot longer to develop, which is why bone density testing is essential to preventative medicine.  

Despite being frequently linked to aging, osteoporosis affects people at any stage of life. So, the question to ask is: Would a bone density test be inappropriate for someone your age?   

What Is Osteoporosis? 

Osteoporosis, often dubbed the "silent disease," is a condition characterized by weakened bones.  The word "osteoporosis" literally means "porous bones," highlighting the condition's hallmark feature of bones becoming more porous and susceptible to fractures. 

Our bones constantly remodel, breaking down old bones and growing new bone tissue in its place. This equilibrium is upset by osteoporosis, which results in a net decrease in bone density. 

Osteoporosis is caused by several factors, including genetics, aging, hormone fluctuations, lifestyle choices, and underlying medical disorders. 

Fractures are more common in people with osteoporosis, and they can have dangerous outcomes, particularly for older persons. Particularly hip fractures can cause severe disability or even death. 

Even though osteoporosis cannot always be avoided, there are lifestyle changes that can help keep bones healthy, such as getting enough calcium and vitamin D, exercising frequently, and abstaining from smoking and heavy alcohol use. There are also many drugs available to slow down bone loss and lower the risk of fracture. 

What is a DXA test? 

A DXA scan, short for dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, is a non-invasive imaging technique used to measure bone mineral density (BMD) and assess bone health. It is the most popular and reliable way to identify osteoporosis and track alterations in bone density over time. 

DXA scans are primarily used for 

  • Diagnosing osteoporosis and assessing fracture risk 

  • Monitoring changes in bone density and bone health 

  • Helping healthcare providers determine the most appropriate course of treatment for osteoporosis 

When to Get a DXA Scan? 

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the gold standard for measuring bone mineral density (BMD). But when is the right time to undergo bone density testing? 

  • Postmenopausal Women and Men over 50:  

For both men and women, osteoporosis screening usually starts at age 50. Hormonal changes that hasten bone loss put postmenopausal women at higher risk. 

  • High-risk individuals:  

People who are more likely to get cancer may consider being tested sooner. These include those who have a history of osteoporosis in their family, smoke, consume excessive amounts of alcohol, have been taking corticosteroids for a long time, are underweight, or suffer from certain medical conditions including rheumatoid arthritis or hyperthyroidism. 

  • Younger Adults with Risk Factors:  

Even though osteoporosis is typically linked to older people, screening should begin sooner for younger adults who have strong risk factors. This includes those who have undergone early menopause, low testosterone, or a history of small-bone fractures. 

  • Monitoring Bone Health:  

Individuals undergoing treatments that can affect bone density, such as long-term use of certain medications or medical conditions like HIV/AIDS, may need regular monitoring regardless of age. 

What Happens If DXA Detects Weak Bones? 

A DXA scan result provides valuable insights into bone health by measuring bone mineral density. But what happens if weak bones are detected? 

A T-score derived from the DXA scan compares an individual's bone density to that of a healthy young adult. A T-score of -2.5 or lower indicates osteoporosis, while a T-score between -1.0 and -2.5 signifies osteopenia, indicating low bone density but not yet at the osteoporosis level. 

The DXA scan results, along with other risk factors, help assess an individual's risk of fracture. Those at high risk may require further evaluation and intervention to prevent fractures. 

Regular follow-up DXA scans may be recommended to monitor changes in bone density and response to treatment. 

What to Expect During Your Bone Density Test 

A bone density test, often conducted using DXA technology, is a quick and painless procedure. Here's what to expect: 


  1. Preparation:  

Preparing for a DXA scan usually requires very little. You may be instructed not to take calcium supplements before the test because they might affect how accurate it is. 

  1. Procedure:  

In order to evaluate bone density, a scanner arm will travel over your body as you lie down on a padded surface. The arm will then emit low-dose X-rays. It typically takes between ten and thirty minutes, depending on the areas that need to be scanned. 

  1. Safety:  

DXA scans involve minimal radiation exposure, equivalent to about one-tenth of a chest X-ray, making them safe for most individuals. 

  1. Interpretation:  

After the scan, your results will be interpreted by a healthcare provider. They'll discuss the findings with you, explaining your bone density measurements and what they mean for your bone health. 

  1. Follow-Up:  

Depending on the results, your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle modifications to strengthen your bones, medications, or further testing as needed. 

Testing for bone density is a useful method for evaluating bone health and determining the likelihood of fractures caused by osteoporosis. Even though osteoporosis is frequently linked to aging, its effects can be seen at any time in life.  

Therefore it's never too early to give bone health top priority.  Speak with the healthcare providers at Access Health Care Physicians about bone density testing and what you can do to assist your journey towards better bone health. Call us at +1 352-688-8116 for an appointment.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Osteoporosis is often asymptomatic until a fracture occurs. Common signs include loss of height, stooped posture, and back pain.

Routine screening for osteoporosis typically begins at age 50 for women and men, but earlier testing may be warranted for individuals with certain risk factors.

Treatment options for osteoporosis include dietary supplements, exercise regimens, lifestyle changes, and medications designed to slow down bone loss and lower the risk of fracture.