Tip To Deal With A Sunburn | Access Health Care Physicians


Tips to Deal with a Sunburn

August 10, 2018

Sunburns, especially in the hot summer months, is a common sight. They can happen to children and adults alike. If you or one of your family members have been burnt by the scorching rays of the summer sun recently, then here are some suggestions to expedite the healing process.

Summer months for most people mean enjoying at a beach with the family, picnicking in the park, indulging in water sports or sometimes just lying in the sun reading a favorite book. Even though all of these summertime activities sound like much fun; they pose a significant health threat. Too much sun exposure can cause severe sunburns that are not just an immediate hazard but can also pave the way for a more severe outcome in the form of melanoma or skin cancer especially if protective measures are ignored for long. Sometimes though, despite all the protection, you might still end up getting sunburnt. In such an event, you should be well aware of what needs to be done to help the skin heal faster and avoid any further damage.

Here are some handy tips for you to keep in mind when dealing with a sunburn:

  1. Stay as Far Away from The Sun as Possible – Even though this seems like an obvious choice after getting burnt by the sun, it is necessary to highlight its importance. In cases where the sunburn does not appear too severe at first, people tend to ignore it and remain in the sun. This continued exposure can lead to second-degree burns that are much more painful and difficult to treat.

  2. Take a Cold Shower – A dip in cold water can help soothe burnt skin especially if it is done as quickly as possible. Subsequently dabbing a cold washcloth or hand towel over the burnt skin can be beneficial too.

  3. Steer Clear of Petroleum Jelly – Any ointment that contains petroleum in it should be not be applied on burnt skin since it causes more harm than good by clogging the skin and further heating up the wound. Aloe Vera gel is a better, natural option instead.

  4. Drink Ample of Water – Water helps cool the body. It also keeps the skin hydrated from within, therefore, promoting faster healing in case of sunburns.

  5. Do Not Pop Blisters – If you are burnt excessively, your skin might sprout fluid-filled blisters. Do not scratch or puncture these blisters as they may get infected further.

  6. Keep Burnt Skin Covered – Protecting burnt skin from further damage is vital. Wearing loose fitting clothes that cover the burnt portions of your body and do not allow sun rays to penetrate are advisable.

While basking in the sun is something that all of us enjoy, particularly after a long and dreary winter, it is critical to understand when to cover up and move indoors to avoid getting burnt. If you still get sunburnt, the quick tips given above will help you handle the situation better.

Keep in mind that only 5 sunburns in a lifetime can increase your risk of developing melanoma by 80%!