Medicare Annual Enrollment Period


What Is the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period 2023

Oct 28, 2022

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) refers to a specific time every year. During this time period, you can change your existing Medicare coverage choices if you want. Typically, AEP runs between October 15 and December 7, while any updates you make will get active on 1st January of the following year.

What Changes Can You Make During AEP?

What Changes Can You Make During AEP?

  • Change your plan from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare 

  • Enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan 

  • Switch from one plan to another 

  • Register for the Medicare Part D plan 

  • Switch from one Medicare Part D plan to another 

  • Disenroll from a Medicare Part D plan

Tips to Follow During the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period

For a successful AEP, you should follow these tips:

Check your eligibility.

If you have delayed coverage or do not have Medicare Part A or Part b, then AEP is not for you. You can not make changes during this period unless:

  • You are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period.

  • You are within your initial Enrollment period.

So, you have to wait until the General Enrollment Period.

Crosscheck your current coverage.

Take an in-depth look at your coverage. You can even consult with reputed agents or doctors nearby who can help you decide if you really need to make changes or what changes you need. If you can find a plan that accommodates necessary changes, you can enroll in that new plan.

Read more : Everything You Need to Know Before Signing up for Medicare

Finally, you can find a licensed Medicare insurance agent who can help you find the right plan for you.

FAQs - Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

What is the difference between Medicare Open Enrollment (OEP) and Annual Enrollment?

Medicare AEP is when anyone with a Medicare plan can make coverage changes for the following year, while the OEP is only for people who are enrolled in the Advantage plan.

Does Medicare renew automatically? 

Medicare plans, including original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medigap, and Medicare Part D plans, generally get renewed automatically.

Can I switch to a Medicare supplement during the Medicare Advantage plan?

You can register yourself for a Medicare Supplement plan at any time. However, for instance, if you are currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan and want to change to a Medicare Supplement plan, you get a valid disenrollment period for the Advantage plan.

To switch to this plan, you have to undergo medical underwriting, which can be denied based on your pre-existing conditions. So, make sure you have a Medicare Advantage plan in mind to avoid a coverage lapse.

What if you do not like the Medicare Advantage plan you sign up for during the Annual Enrollment Period?

You can change the plan during the Medicare OEP that runs between January 1 and March 31. You have the choice to switch back to Original Medicare or get a new Medicare Advantage plan. If you are switching from a Supplement plan to an Advantage plan for the first time, you will get a 12-month trial. During this period, you can switch back to your Medicare Supplement plan.